Apply For 2024
– Farmer

Applications Open:
14 August 2023 – 15 October 2023



Host farmer applications for the 2024 intake are OPEN. Applications close on 15th October, 2023. Before initiating your application, please read the instructions below carefully.

When applying, all farmers must submit the following:

  1. A 250+ word description of the role you have on offer on your farm (ie – what does a typical day look like, what types of things will a participant be doing – keeping in mind that some participants might not be from a farming background).
  2. In 150 words or more, tell us who works on your farm and why it is a great place to work.
  3. Provide at least three pictures that showcase your farm and the opportunity you are offering (eg. scenic shots, pictures of work, produce, you/other employees). *If you have accommodation, please ensure there is at least one picture of the accommodation provided.

To increase your chance of being matched with the best applicant, please ensure an early application with a thorough description of the role(s) available and a compelling story of working on your farm. Please be aware that some participants may not come from an agricultural background, and may not know what is involved in everyday farm life, so the more detail you can provide on what a typical day looks like the better. READY TO APPLY? SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION HERE NOW.

Please read the FAQ section of our website for further information, alternatively please direct any questions to

  • Screening

    After your application has been submitted, the AgCAREERSTART team will be in contact to organise a Host Farmer suitability screening. During the screening process, you will be asked about your motivations for applying to the program, your on-farm safety practices, emergency management procedures and employment practices.

  • Matching

    When the suitability screening has been completed, you will then proceed to the matching stage. During this stage, the AgCAREERSTART team will attempt to match a participant to your farm. Our matching protocol considers a number of factors, including the industry and location preferences of the participant and the individual requirements of the host farmer.

    If a match is made, the AgCAREERSTART team will send you a participant profile which will include the participants ‘Statement of Intent’ which will be either a 800-word written statement of why they want to be involved in the program or 5-minute video, a resume and written reference.

  • Interview

    After reviewing the participant profile, AgCAREERSTART will connect you with the participant and you can proceed to an interview to determine suitability. Please note that unless there are significant reasons as to why you do not believe the participant is suited to your farm, we strongly encourage farmers to give participants an opportunity as many will be school leavers/might have limited work experience. If you do not wish to proceed with a matched participant, please note that we might not be able to offer a second option.

  • Completion

    If a participant match is successful, you will discuss with the participant the length of employment, the start date and rate of pay. Please note that all placements require a signed employment contract before commencing on farm.

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Participant fact sheet

Find more details on training opportunities, payment, eligibility, and farm screening.


Farmer Fact sheet

Find out more about eligibility, commitment, industry support and more.
