Info for
Are you an agricultural teacher, careers counsellor or someone interested in encouraging a young person into a career with purpose? Take a look at our resources for young adults wanting to experience a gap-year with a difference.
The agriculture sector is huge, we get that! It is made up of so many industries and so many jobs, that it can be overwhelming for students to know where to start. That’s where AgCAREERSTART can help.
We have put together a teacher pack full of resources to help you demonstrate the endless opportunities that are available to the students and what a gap year could look like in agriculture.
In this resource pack you’ll find:
- A3 poster
- Participant brochure
- Power point presentation with detailed program information
- Previous participant case studies
- Industry postcards
- Calendar of events
We are constantly developing these resources,
if you need something specific, please let us know!
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If you have any questions, or want to invite AgCAREERSTART to speak to your students, send us an email:
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